Sunday, September 16, 2007

HW 2: Burstein's 12 Key Ideas

Blogging will continue to spread across the globe, connecting people from all areas. People constantly strive to be heard and what better way than through blogging. Blogging is free, fun, and easy. I relate Burstein's 9th idea to any up and coming sport. Take snowboarding for example; no one believed that snowboarding would evolve into what it is today. When Jake Burton originally designed his first model he was told it would never work and that it was wasting time, energy, and money. Snowboarding was labeled as the most rediculous and uneccessary sports of all time. It is now thirty years later and snowboarding is still growing and impacting people's lives. So hop on and let the world of blogging take you for a ride.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

This meets the assignment's requirement to connect an idea from the reading to an interest of your own.
Remember to give the title of the work right from the beginning of your writing, so that readers know what you're talking about (even if they haven't read the assignment):
In "From Cave Painting to Wonkette," the introduction to Blog! How the Newest Media Revolution is Changing Politics, Business, and Culture, Dan Burstein says that "The numbers of bloggers will continue to grow because the numbers of knowledge workers will continue to grow" (Kline and Burstein xxiv). I think that blogging will continue to spread...