Tuesday, October 9, 2007

HW 17B: Most Politically Influential Blogs

After reading both the interviews and checking out both blogs I would have to side with Zuniga on this one. Zuniga was very professional during the interview and proved himself as a risk taker, which is extremely admirable. Though I am not one for politics its not bright to be apathetic. Zuniga motivated me to be apart of the world and to make a difference even if it is small. Cox's interview was boring. She wasn't very proper which to some people can be comforting, but not for me. Her responses were either short one-liners or long rants that went nowhere. Zuniga wins in my book.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

This leads with your ideas, which is good.
It's good form to give a person's full name the first time you mention them in your writing. Thereafter, it's fine to just use the last name. For example:
...I would have to side with Markos Moulitsas Zuniga on this one. Zuniga (of DailyKos) was very professional...